

Yaanai Movie Synopsis: A brash young man tries to prevent his wealthy, large family from being split up by their arch-nemesis, who wants to avenge his brother's death, which he blames on the family.

Yaanai Movie Review: By now, when we step in to a Hari film,
we pretty much know what we are signing up for. He has made a career out of loud, fast-paced films that are a hybrid of family drama and over-the-top action. Struck with sequelitis in his previous two films - the awkwardly titled Si3 and Saamy² - the director seemed to be losing his touch, choosing mindless hero-glorification and action over melodrama, which was what was giving the emotional undercurrent to the action.

With Yaanai, the director has thankfully gone back to his roots, especially in terms of storytelling. There is a strong whiff of the early 2000s in this film, with the narration jumping between the main plot, and the commercial must-haves of those days - mandatory romantic track and comedy - which feel unnecessary and out of trend these days. That said, the film definitely remains watchable, especially if you can overlook the muddled politics of the film.

The film revolves around the PRV family of Ramanathapuram and their rivalry with the Samuthiram family of Rameswaram. The protagonist Ravichandran (Arun Vijay) is the youngest son of the PRV clan, and also their protector.
He is the one standing in the way of Samuthiram (Jayabalan) and his son Lingam (Ramachandra Raju), who want to take down the family for causing the death of their family member. When Selvi (Ammu Abhirami), the daughter of the PRV household, elopes with her Muslim boyfriend, it provides them the perfect opportunity as the Ravi is shunned by his half-brothers, especially the elder one Ramachandran (Samuthirakani). Can Ravi make them realise that he had no role to play in the girl's decision and prevent Lingam from destroying his family?

The hero protecting his family from the villain is a trope that Hari often resorts to and the director manages to present this with slight variations to make the story not become too predictable. He also eschews his trademark hyper-edited visuals and goes for lengthier shots,
which actually help us stay immersed in the proceedings. The single-shot stunt sequences, especially, lend intensity to what might have been regular over-the-top action scenes.

Some of the characters are also interesting. If not for Lingam, Samuthirakani's Ramachandran, a casteist, self-centered rich man, would have been the antagonist of the film, and Hari builds his character's arc pretty well. Even Ravi isn't perfect, with his views constantly shifting, and Arun Vijay does a good job in putting across this character as a flawed man who means good. We see that he is a product of the casteist, patriarchal culture that he's grown up in, but will always put being humane above all else. Priya Bhavani Shankar
and Radikaa score in the couple of scenes that they get while Yogi Babu impresses more in one emotionally charged scene compared to the numerous attempts at comedy.
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